Halloween Word Finding Activity


Halloween is coming!  That is probably second in popularity only to Christmas for many of our kiddoes.  Are you already hearing about costumes and the classroom party?  I have posted before about my word finding dialogs: I like to use them for all sorts of goals:  awareness, generalization, and just for fun.  Readers can act out  the scenes themselves.  Non-readers can listen to others  and identify word instances of word finding when they hear “mistakes.”

Adapt as you see fit:

Child 1; Hey, guys, let’s get ready for trick or treat day!

Child 2: Trick or treat day? What’s that?

Child 1: You know, that day when we wear costumes and go trick or treating.

Child 2: Oh, you mean Halloween!

Child 1: Yeah, Halloween. I have a big thingamajig to put candy in.

Child 2: A thingamajig? What do you put your candy in?

Child 1: It’s one of those things on your bed.

Child 2: A sheet? A blanket? A pillow?

Child 1: No, the cover to a pillow…a pillow case.

Child 2: OK, so you’ll put your candy in a pillow case. What are you dressing up as?

Child 1: I have one of those things that wraps around your shoulders…like Batman wears.

Child 2: A cape?

Child 1: Yeah, a cape. A black cape. And I’m going to wear fake hair.

Child 2: You mean a wig?

Child 1: A cape and a wig. And I think I’ll carry a sweeper thing.

Child 2: A sweeper thing? You mean a broom?

Child 1: Yeah, a broom. Don’t you think my costume will be scary? I want to be a

scary old ghost. I mean, a witch. What is your costume like?

Child 2: I’ll have a black cape, too. Only I won’t carry a broom. I’m going to wear a

mask and pretend I have a Batmobile.

Child 1; A Batmobile! You must be dressing up as Spiderman. Oops, I mean Batman!





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