Category Archives: Accommodations

Classroom Accommodations for Word Finding

Comprehensive word finding intervention includes 3 prongs:  strategy instruction, self-advocacy, and classroom accommodations.* What accommodations are appropriate?  Of course, accommodations will vary from student to student and setting to setting.  These are the recommendations I typically make:

  1. Preferential seating:  Confirm that the student is seated so he/she can clearly see and hear his/her teachers and any teaching materials.
  2. Provide a context for learning.  The student will benefit from having an overview of how his/her learning fits into the “big picture.”
  3. Provide time for the student to organize his/her thoughts before expecting an oral response.  When possible, provide the questions ahead of time.
  4. Assess the student’s reading abilities with silent reading tasks instead of oral reading tasks.  Because of his or her retrieval difficulties, he/she may be a stronger reader than is apparent.


5.  Assess learning with recognition tasks instead of recall.  Use multiple choice, T/F, and matching.               When essay tests are used, provide a word bank of important words.

6.  Allow the student to use a written outline or scaffold for oral presentations.

7.  Allow extended time for all classroom and standardized assessments.


Notice the theme here?  We are looking for recognition, not recall.  Don’t let a child’s expressive language difficulties interfere with his or her ability to demonstrate knowledge.


*Dr. Diane German, Word Finding Intervention Program-Second Edition (WFIP-2), available from Pro-Ed.