Category Archives: Strategies

Slow down or speed up?

Wooah!  Wait a minute!  If a child is having trouble retrieving words, shouldn’t we want to speed up his word finding?  It depends!  Is he a child who exhibits long pauses in his connected speech as he searches for the words he needs?  Or is he a child who impulsively blurts out the wrong word, only to self-correct?  There are different types of “word finders,” and different strategies are appropriate for each.

I remind my students that it is more important to be accurate than to be fast.  I encourage them to take their time and feel confident in their choice of words. You can encourage that by modeling a slow, relaxed pace and pausing slightly before responding to them.  This is the same strategy we use to promote fluency with children who stutter.  Don’t say, “slow down,” but instead use a slower rate yourself.

I like to play word-naming games but modify the rules.  I explain that we are playing with “speech rules,” which might be different than the rules that came with the game.  Mattel’s Blurt (available on, at WalMart, and many other retail outlets) is one example.   I count on my fingers to 5.  If the child responds before I get to 5, he cannot move ahead in the game.  Even better is to create definitions for curriculum words and play the game with the words the child needs for class.

The key is to use “thinking time.”  Don’t just sit in your seat – use the time to use your strategies and come up with the word.  Other riddle games are great. I especially like Linguisystems’ Rocky’s Mountain and Plunk’s Pond (now acquired by Pro Ed) .  But there are many commercially-available games that can easily be modified to promote word finding.  If you are not familiar with these, check out the following:

Headbanz, Outburst Junior, Catch Phrase, 20 Questions, Tri-Bond Junior, Buzzward, MadGab, Word Burst, Apples to Apples.  As SLPs, you probably have your own favorite games you use in therapy regularly.  Please email me or write a comment to this post and share your ideas! I’d love to hear from you!



Categories and Word Associations

Use categories and word associations to help children retrieve words.  I tend to think of categories as lists:  dog, fish, and giraffe are animals, chair, bed, and desk are furniture.   Word associations I think of as “words that one thinks of when one thinks of that category”:  leash, collar, bone, fur go with animals; seat, cushion, leg go with furniture.  I have also heard “divergent” and “convergent” naming used to distinguish between the two.  Whatever you call connected words, they help children find the words they need.  The more connections among different words, the more synapses fire in the brain.

I have had success by helping children organize their mental maps of categories.  First I ask the kids to write (or dictate) as many “animals” as possible.  In 60 seconds, I usually get some random list:  dog, cat, elephant, fish, giraffe, horse, etc.  Then I ask them to name as many pets as possible, followed by farm animals, sea creatures, and jungle animals.  They are often amazed that they can name many more animals when they think in “sub-categories.”  As adults, we tend to mentally organize lists.  Young kids, however, don’t necessarily do so.  I have absolutely no research to back that up:  only many years of working with elementary aged (and younger) children.

Word associations are great for helping children develop a better, deeper understanding of vocabulary words.  But do they speed retrieval?  I think the verdict is still out on that respect (see reference below)  There seem to be some children who can use word associations to help cue themselves to find words, while others are not helped by this strategy.  If a child is truly stuck on a word and he uses word associations and good descriptions with his listener, his listener may be able to help him come up with the target word.   The important issue is to target your therapy for the individual child.  When he finds a strategy that works for him, encourage him to use it in the future.  Once he finds the word, anchor it in his repertoire.  Repeat, repeat, repeat. Use phonological mnemonics and a “word finding 5:”  Say the word 5 times, use it in a sentence, then get a high 5. One of my favorite analogies is a “brain tattoo.”  Ask him to tattoo it on his brain.  Thanks to 5th grade teacher extraordinaire Karla for that idea.


Send me your favorite word association games and activities!  I’ll feature them in an upcoming post.

ASHA members will find good information in this article:

Word-Finding Intervention for Children With Specific Language Impairment: A Multiple Single-Case Study
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, April 2012, Vol. 43, 222-234.


How can we make our word finders better “describers”?  I like to use the Expanding Expression Tool, or EET. Many thanks to Sara at Expanding for her permission to talk about the tool.

eet strand

The EET is a great tool for promoting a variety of expressive language goals.  According to, it promotes a variety of oral and written language skills, including vocabulary comprehension, defining and describing, making associations, stating functions, categorization, and similarities and differences.  That almost sounds like a list of different word finding strategies a child can use, doesn’t it?  And it’s multi-sensory!

I modify the program a bit to promote word retrieval.  When a child is stuck on a word, how can he describe it to his listener so his listener knows what word he is searching for?  What are an object’s “salient characteristics”?  In other words, what makes it what it is?  I remind my students that it will not help their friends know they are talking about a “chair,” if they describe it as “blue.”   It is often most helpful to name the category  (furniture) and 2 or 3 important details (one person sits on it, it has a seat and 4 legs).  The EET uses a green bead to represent “group,” or the category.  Each bead reminds a child to provide different information about the object he is describing.  Green:  group, blue: do (“what does it do?” or “what do we do with it?”), and so on.  It wouldn’t be fair to say  too much about the program; I would rather you learn more about it and purchase it from Expanding Expression.

Sometimes  I use the tool as a game.  The object is to use such amazing descriptions that your “opponent” identifies the described mystery object with as few hints as possible.  Anytime I call the activity a “game” and add some competition, the kids are more motivated.

When I first introduced this tool to my students, I received a voicemail from one of my “speech parents.”  She explained that the EET was used throughout the school where she taught, and sang to me the song they used to teach the mantra!  To the tune of “Skip to My Lou,” they sang “green, group, blue, do, what does it look like? what is it made of?”, etc. etc..   I immediately taught it to my speech kids, and I still use the song to help myself remember the meaning of each of the beads.  I also make mini-tools using plastic beads from a craft store.  Each student gets one to use as a bookmark or a backpack “charm.”

It’s important to remember that once a child does come up with the word, he should anchor it in his repertoire to make it easier to retrieve the next time.  To anchor it, please refer to my post of November 4, citing Diane German’s Word Finding Intervention Program -Second Edition  (German,  2004).

Do you have other ideas for promoting a child’s “describing” skills?  Please “comment” at the bottom of this post or send me an email!  I would love to hear your success stories!

Picture It



Sometimes  children with word finding difficulties need help visualizing the context of the words they need.   I find that  kids can sometimes retrieve the word for which they are searching when I help them “picture it.”  On November 2, I posted the acronym “Silly Sally Always Draws Fuzzy Pandas” created by my colleagues Sarah Mendoza and Tara Brooks.  The “P” in Pets stands for “picture it.” In FAVOR-C, the “V” stands for Visualize.  Either acronym can help students remember to try a variety of strategies when they get stuck on a word.

“Make a movie in your head.”  “Make your brain be a camera.”  Describe visualizing in words they understand.  These phrases have worked for me.

If my student is having trouble retrieving the word for her after-school snack, I have her visualize her kitchen:  “Walk in the door and put down your backpack.  It’s time for an after-school snack!  Do you see the kitchen table and the cupboards?  Do you see your fridge and the stove?  Look in the  refrigerator – what do you see?  What color is the counter top?  What else do you see?”    If she can’t retrieve the word for that new piece of science equipment, I have her visualize the science lab: “Pretend you are walking to your station.  You can see the microscope, the Petri dish, and your notes.  Tell me what it looks like.”

Of course, it’s important to remember that what Olivia visualizes may be different than what Andrew visualizes.  When asked to visualize her bedroom, Olivia may use words like “pink,” “fluffy” and “stuffed animals.”  Andrew may use words like “camo” “video console” and “Legos.”   I became very aware of seeing a room from different perspectives when I realized that what I visualized when I thought of my office was my cutesy bulletin board and organized bookshelf of therapy materials.  What my students visualized, however, was the room from the opposite side of the table:  my cluttered desk, distracting computer screen, and stained coffee mug.  Ugh! What a lesson in visualizing!

Try “visualizing” as one strategy in your student’s arsenal of strategies.  Always encourage him to think about what helps him “find” the words he needs. Help him become aware of what works for him.  As he becomes more aware, he can be a better self-advocate.



An endorsement from the word finding guru!

I met today with Dr. Diane German, who has been my mentor in the field of word finding ever since I took her course on the subject.  I call her the word finding guru.  I showed her this blog, my Facebook page, and my Twitter tweets.  She was very enthusiastic about more SLPs, teachers, and parents becoming informed about the impact word finding can have on kids, and how we can help them.   I think that’s one thing that is very special about the field of speech-language pathology – people are always networking to share ideas and best practices.

Meeting with Diane was a reminder we want to help a child get automatic with important vocabulary before he or she needs the words in conversational speech. So now is the time to introduce the Thanksgiving vocabulary and corresponding retrieval strategies needed  so he can comfortably discuss his or her upcoming Thanksgiving activities. Dr. German (2005) in the Word Finding Intervention Program, Second Edition (WFIP-2) presents a 5-step retrieval procedure for improving word finding of target words.

First, select a word that is difficult for the  learner to retrieve.

Second, divide the target word into syllables, reinforcing each syllable of multi-syllable words.   When I do this second step,  I like to have the younger kids move their entire bodies with each syllable.  I borrowed Dr. Judy Montgomery’s technique of “head, shoulders, knees, and toes” which she uses to promote syllable awareness for beginning readers (Montgomery, 2007).  I have the kids stand up, touch their “head, shoulders, knees, and toes” for each syllable in  (e.g.,) cornucopia, Mayflower, or Pilgrim. The kids are always begging for words of 5 or more syllables so they can swat their own rear end!  You can also have them  touch shoulder, elbow, wrist, tap out syllables, clap, or even stomp their feet.  I have had third grade girls act out an impromptu rap dance to reinforce the syllables in “quadrilateral.”   Get them moving and laughing!  Reinforce each syllable with a movement.

Third, according to Dr. German, match same sound mnemonic cues  (words that sound like the target syllable) to the “evasive” (i.e., difficult to retrieve) syllables.  This helps anchor the syllables for automatic retrieval.   Here are some ideas to get you started:

cornucopia – corn/coke or corn/Cody (apparently there is a popular Disney channel show about Zack and Cody)

Pilgrim – pill/grim or pill/Grinch –  draw a picture with a grim-faced Pilgrim wearing a pill for a hat or the Grinch with a pill

feast –  feet – draw a picture of a big platter of feet to eat

The sillier the better. The kids are engaged and start coming up with their own cues.  Remember that what is meaningful to you as an adult may not be meaningful to an eight year old or a junior in high school.  Be alert to the popular culture with which they are familiar.  I confess that I had never heard of Zack and Cody, but my speech kids certainly knew who they were!   Dr. German stresses that it is important to think of the cue as you practice saying the target word out loud.  She recommends mnemonic cues be written in a “think cloud” to reinforce that one only thinks of the mnemonic cues.

Lastly, steps 4 and 5 involve rehearsal. While the learner thinks of his/her mnemonic cues, each target word is rehearsed three times alone and then in a meaningful sentence (German, 2005). When I do these last steps with my students, I modify a bit:  I  ask for a “word finding 5.”  Each student says the word aloud 5 times, makes up a sentence using the word, then he or she gets a “high 5.”

Try to anticipate the vocabulary your students will need in the coming weeks.  Recheck with your classroom teachers and get an update on their curriculum words.  Don’t forget to share your ideas for mnemonic cues by replying to this post or by emailing me: I will add your ideas to the vocabulary list on this blog.


German, D.J. (2005). Word Finding Intervention Program, Second Edition (WFIP-2), Austin,TX: Pro.ed.

Montgomery, J. K. (2007b). The Bridge of Vocabulary. Minneapolis, MN: Pearson Assessment.



Strategies for word retrieval

I mentioned last week that phonological mnemonics are powerful aids for word finding.  Pairing “easy words” with “hard words” has been shown to promote word retrieval [source: German, D. J., Schwanke, J. K., & Ravid, R. (2012). Word Finding: Differentiated vocabulary instruction in the speech and language room. Communications Disorders Quarterly, 33(3), 146-156].  You can refer to the drop down vocabulary menu from the blue bar at the top of this page for a list of cues I have used or others have suggested to me.

When you can anticipate the vocabulary a child needs, the mnemonics are my strategy of choice.   But what about those times a child gets stuck on a word he hasn’t practiced?

Screen Shot 2014-11-01 at 2.06.37 PM

A child needs a variety of strategies to help himself come up with target words.  It’s important to match the strategy to his/her individual needs.  I try to watch for those times a child encounters a word finding problem during a therapy session.  As soon as possible, I ask him to tell me how he came up with the target word.  “How did you get there?”  Did he visualize the context of the word he needed? For example, if he was trying to come up with the word “touchdown” did he visualize a football game?  If she was trying to come up with the word “pommel horse” did she visualize her gymnastics studio?  Did he remember the initial sound in the word?  Did she remember the category to which the word belonged?

In my next few posts, I’ll talk about the different strategies I have found successful.  I have used 2 acronyms for these strategies:  The first is FAVOR-C (“Do yourself a favor and see these word finding strategies in your mind”).

F  Fill in the blank

A  Associations

V  Visualize

O   Opposites and synonyms

R   Reflective pause

C   Categories

The second is “Silly Sally Always Draws Fuzzy Pandas.”  Thanks to my colleagues Sarah Mendoza and Tara Brooks Baron for coming up with this cute acronym:

Screen Shot 2014-11-01 at 2.06.37 PM

You will notice the strategies aren’t the same on both lists. You may want to make modifications of your own. Think about  what strategies  the child finds most helpful.  Obviously older kids may be more comfortable with FAVOR-C; younger ones may like “Silly Sally.”  I’ll give some examples of activities I have used with each of these strategies in future posts.