Applying word retrieval strategies to your own life




I had a nostalgic weekend visiting my older sister for the first time since my mom passed away.  We looked through boxes, scrapbooks, antique photo albums and saw people we hadn’t thought about in years (and people whose identities remain  a mystery to us).  There were old tintypes and genealogy charts with some strange names.  Most of those names went in one ear and out the other.  But there were a couple of family names that kept escaping us.  And were the Sutherlins before or after the Chestersons?  Who can remember the name of the great great uncle who married the flapper?

Ta da!  Word finding strategies to the rescue.  Associations to remember the name of the small town in Missouri where my grandparents lived for 2 years. Mnemonics to remember the order of several generations preceding my mother’s.  Don’t forget to use your slip-of-the-tongue and  tip-of-the-tongue associations to help your own retrieval.  This is especially important when you are meeting a new client or a new boss.  Impress them with your ability to recall their name!

Here’s a link to last year’s St Patrick’s Day post, including some cues for St. Pat’s vocabulary:




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